/  Yamcs Studio User Guide  /  Widgets  /  Grid Layout

Grid LayoutΒΆ

Meta widget that can be added to a container for laying out its other contained widgets in a grid.

While editing in Yamcs Studio, a grid icon is visible in the top-left of the container. Right-click this icon and choose Layout Widgets to calculate and apply adjusted positions for all widgets belonging to that container.

When running a display, the layout is always calculated prior to rendering.

Grid cell sizes are established using the following algorithm:

  1. Group the widgets in rows, respecting the order visible in the Outline view.

  2. Per row: apply the largest widget width to all widgets (based on bounding box).

  3. Per column: apply the largest widget height (based on bounding box).


Some widgets perform autosizing which may cause the widget area to not use the entire available cell space.

Basic Properties

Name (name)

Human-readable name of this widget. Shown in the Outline view.

Widget Type (widget_type)

Readonly property describing the type of this widget.

Display Properties

Fill Grids (fill_grids)

Resize smaller widgets to match the largest widget, thereby filling up the cells.

Grid Gap (grid_gap)

Reserve a gap in pixels between grid cells.

Number of Columns (number_of_columns)

Number of columns in the grid.