Interface CommandHistorySubscriptionRequestOrBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • getCommandIdList

        List<Commanding.CommandId> getCommandIdList()
         if not specified, updates on any command are returned
        repeated .yamcs.protobuf.commanding.CommandId commandId = 1 [deprecated = true];
      • getCommandId

        Commanding.CommandId getCommandId​(int index)
         if not specified, updates on any command are returned
        repeated .yamcs.protobuf.commanding.CommandId commandId = 1 [deprecated = true];
      • getCommandIdCount

        int getCommandIdCount()
         if not specified, updates on any command are returned
        repeated .yamcs.protobuf.commanding.CommandId commandId = 1 [deprecated = true];
      • getCommandIdOrBuilderList

        List<? extends Commanding.CommandIdOrBuilder> getCommandIdOrBuilderList()
         if not specified, updates on any command are returned
        repeated .yamcs.protobuf.commanding.CommandId commandId = 1 [deprecated = true];
      • getCommandIdOrBuilder

        Commanding.CommandIdOrBuilder getCommandIdOrBuilder​(int index)
         if not specified, updates on any command are returned
        repeated .yamcs.protobuf.commanding.CommandId commandId = 1 [deprecated = true];
      • hasIgnorePastCommands

        boolean hasIgnorePastCommands()
         if set to true (default), incremental updates on commands that were
         issued before this subscription are not emitted.
        optional bool ignorePastCommands = 2;
      • getIgnorePastCommands

        boolean getIgnorePastCommands()
         if set to true (default), incremental updates on commands that were
         issued before this subscription are not emitted.
        optional bool ignorePastCommands = 2;