/  Yamcs Server Manual  /  Services  /  Instance Services  /  Timeline Service

Timeline Service

This services enables Timeline and Activity-related functionalities.

The Yamcs Timeline provides a visual, chronological overview of mission events. It can also be used to schedule activities for future execution.

Class Name



This service is defined in etc/yamcs.instance.yaml. Example:

  - class: org.yamcs.timeline.TimelineService
          searchPath: etc/scripts
          impersonateCaller: false

Configuration Options

scheduling (map)

Placeholder for future scheduling-related options. Nothing currently.

activities (map)

Optional configuration for each of the supported activity executors.

The built-in types are commandExecution, stackExecution and scriptExecution. These are further described in the sub-configuration sections below.

Command execution sub-configuration

Placeholder for future command executor options. Nothing currently.

Stack execution sub-configuration

Placeholder for future stack executor options. Nothing currently.

Script execution sub-configuration

searchPath (string or string[])

Directory where to locate executable scripts.

Default: etc/scripts

impersonateCaller (boolean)

Scripts receive a transient API key via an environment variable. By default this API key uses the built-in System user, which provides unrestricted access.

When this property is enabled, the script receives instead an API key of the user that started the activity.

Default: false