/  Yamcs HTTP API  /  Processing  /  Subscribe TM Statistics

Subscribe TM StatisticsΒΆ

Receive TM statistics updates


This method requires to upgrade an HTTP connection to WebSocket. See details on how Yamcs uses WebSocket.

Use the message type tmstats.

Input Type

// Request message for `SubscribeTMStatistics`.
interface SubscribeTMStatisticsRequest {

  // Yamcs instance name.
  instance: string;

  // Processor name.
  processor: string;

Output Type

interface Statistics {

  // Yamcs instance name.
  instance: string;

  // Processor name.
  processor: string;
  tmstats: TmStatistics[];
  lastUpdated: string;  // RFC 3339 timestamp

Related Types

interface TmStatistics {

  // Packet name.
  packetName: string;
  qualifiedName: string;
  receivedPackets: string;  // String decimal
  subscribedParameterCount: number;
  lastReceived: string;  // RFC 3339 timestamp
  lastPacketTime: string;  // RFC 3339 timestamp
  packetRate: string;  // String decimal
  dataRate: string;  // String decimal