/  Yamcs HTTP API  /  Processing  /  Subscribe Parameters

Subscribe ParametersΒΆ

Receive parameter updates

The input message can be sent multiple types, allowing to alter a subscription with the action field.


This method requires to upgrade an HTTP connection to WebSocket. See details on how Yamcs uses WebSocket.

Use the message type parameters.

This method supports client-streaming. The reply on the first message includes the call identifier assigned by Yamcs. Ensure to specify this call identifier on subsequent messages, or Yamcs will assume that you are making a new unrelated call.

Input Type

// Request message for `SubscribeParameters`.
interface SubscribeParametersRequest {

  // Yamcs instance name.
  instance: string;

  // Processor name.
  processor: string;

  // Parameter identifiers. Each identifier takes the form of
  // a namespace and a name.
  // For Yamcs-native naming only the name field is required and
  // should be the fully qualified name. The namespace is only
  // required when the name represents an alias of that parameter.
  id: NamedObjectId[];

  // Send an error message if any parameter is invalid.
  // Default: true
  abortOnInvalid: boolean;

  // Send parameter updates when parameters expire.
  // The update will have the same value and timestamp like
  // the preceding update, but with acquisition status set to
  // EXPIRED (instead of ACQUIRED)
  // Default: false
  updateOnExpiration: boolean;

  // If available, send immediately the last cached value
  // of each subscribed parameter.
  // Default: true
  sendFromCache: boolean;

  // How to interpret the submitted parameter ids. Default
  // is to replace an existing subscription with the newly
  // submitted list.
  action: Action;

  // If set, truncate binary values to the specified byte length.
  // This may be necessary when Yamcs contains large binary values.
  // A negative value implies no truncating, which is the default.
  maxBytes: number;

Output Type

interface SubscribeParametersData {

  // Mapping between numeric and subscribed identifier.
  // This information is provided only once, following a subscription.
  mapping: {[key: number]: NamedObjectId};

  // Mapping between numeric identifier, and matching parameter.
  // This information is provided only once, following a subscription.
  info: {[key: number]: SubscribedParameterInfo};

  // Parameter identifiers that were subscribed to, but that
  // cannot be matched against the Mission Database.
  invalid: NamedObjectId[];

  // Values of updated parameters.
  values: ParameterValue[];

Related Types

// Used by external clients to identify an item in the Mission Database
// If namespace is set, then the name is that of an alias, rather than
// the qualified name.
interface NamedObjectId {
  name: string;
  namespace: string;

interface ParameterValue {

  // Parameter identifier
  id: NamedObjectId;

  // Raw value (uncalibrated)
  rawValue: Value;

  // Engineering value (calibrated)
  engValue: Value;

  // Time of Yamcs reception
  acquisitionTime: string;  // RFC 3339 timestamp

  // Time of generation (~ packet time)
  generationTime: string;  // RFC 3339 timestamp
  acquisitionStatus: AcquisitionStatus;

  // Deprecated: this field was originally introduced for compatibility
  // with Airbus CGS/CD-MCS system. It was redundant, because when false,
  // the acquisitionStatus is also set to INVALID.
  processingStatus: boolean;
  monitoringResult: MonitoringResult;
  rangeCondition: RangeCondition;

  // Context-dependent ranges
  alarmRange: AlarmRange[];

  // How long (in milliseconds) this parameter value is valid
  // Note that there is an option when subscribing to parameters to get
  // updated when the parameter values expire.
  expireMillis: string;  // String decimal

  // When transferring parameters over WebSocket, this value might be used
  // instead of the id above in order to reduce the bandwidth.
  // Note that the id <-> numericId assignment is only valid in the context
  // of a single WebSocket call.
  numericId: number;

// Union type for storing a value
interface Value {
  type: Type;
  floatValue: number;
  doubleValue: number;
  sint32Value: number;
  uint32Value: number;
  binaryValue: string;  // Base64
  stringValue: string;
  timestampValue: string;  // String decimal
  uint64Value: string;  // String decimal
  sint64Value: string;  // String decimal
  booleanValue: boolean;
  aggregateValue: AggregateValue;
  arrayValue: Value[];

// An aggregate value is an ordered list of (member name, member value).
// Two arrays are used in order to be able to send just the values (since
// the names will not change)
interface AggregateValue {
  name: string[];
  value: Value[];

interface AlarmRange {
  level: AlarmLevelType;
  minInclusive: number;
  maxInclusive: number;
  minExclusive: number;
  maxExclusive: number;

enum Action {

  // The parameter identifiers specified with ``id``, replace any that were
  // previously subscribed to on this call.

  // The parameter identifiers specified with ``id`` are added to any
  // that were previously subscribed to on this call.
  ADD = "ADD",

  // The parameter identifiers specified with ``id`` are removed from those
  // that were previously subscribed to on this call.

enum Type {
  UINT32 = "UINT32",
  SINT32 = "SINT32",
  UINT64 = "UINT64",
  SINT64 = "SINT64",

  // Enumerated values have both an integer (sint64Value) and a string representation
  NONE = "NONE",

enum AcquisitionStatus {

  // OK!

  // No value received so far

  // Some value has been received but is invalid

  // The parameter is coming from a packet which has not since updated although it should have been

enum MonitoringResult {

enum RangeCondition {
  LOW = "LOW",
  HIGH = "HIGH",

enum AlarmLevelType {