/  Yamcs HTTP API  /  COP-1  /  Update Config

Update ConfigΒΆ

Update configuration settings

URI Template

PATCH /api/cop1/{instance}/{link}/config

Yamcs instance name.


Link name.

Request Body

interface Cop1Config {
  vcId: number;

  // If true, the BD frames are sent immediately, without going to the waiting queue
  bdAbsolutePriority: boolean;

  // Maximum size of the sent queue (i.e. how many unacknowledged frames can be in the
  // queue before timing out)
  windowWidth: number;

  // What should happen on timeout: go to SUSPEND or go to UNINITIALIZED
  timeoutType: TimeoutType;

  // How many times the frames are transmitted before timing out
  txLimit: number;

  // How many milliseconds to wait between retransmissions
  t1: string;  // String decimal

Response Type

interface Cop1Config {
  vcId: number;

  // If true, the BD frames are sent immediately, without going to the waiting queue
  bdAbsolutePriority: boolean;

  // Maximum size of the sent queue (i.e. how many unacknowledged frames can be in the
  // queue before timing out)
  windowWidth: number;

  // What should happen on timeout: go to SUSPEND or go to UNINITIALIZED
  timeoutType: TimeoutType;

  // How many times the frames are transmitted before timing out
  txLimit: number;

  // How many milliseconds to wait between retransmissions
  t1: string;  // String decimal

Related Types

enum TimeoutType {