/  Yamcs HTTP API  /  Buckets  /  Upload Object

Upload ObjectΒΆ

Upload an object

Simple upload

In case of simple upload, the objectName has to be specified as part of the URL and the Content-Type header has to be set to the type of the object. The body of the request is the object data.

Form upload

The form based upload can be used to upload an object from an HTML form. In this case the Content-Type of the request is set to multipart/form-data, and the body will contain at least one part which is the object data. This part includes a filename which is used as the object name as well as a Content-Type header. The name attribute for the file part is ignored. Additional parts (which do not specify a filename) will be used as metadata: the name is specified as part of the Content-Disposition and the value is the body of the part.

This can be tested with curl using the -F option.


POST /api/buckets/_global/my_bucket HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8090
User-Agent: curl/7.58.0
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 1090
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------7109c709802f7ae4

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="object/name"
Content-Type: text/plain

[object data]
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name1"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name2"


This will create an object named object/name with two metadata properties:

    "name1": "value1",
    "name2": "value2"

URI Template

POST /api/buckets/{instance}/{bucketName}/objects/{objectName**}

Yamcs instance name. Or _global.


Bucket name. If the bucketName is ``user.username`` the bucket will be created automatically if it does not exist. Otherwise the bucket must exist before being used.


Object name.

Request Body

interface HttpBody {

  // The Content-Type header value for this body.
  // If unspecified, defaults to application/octet-stream
  contentType: string;

  // If set, a Content-Disposition header is added
  // to the response. Weg agents use this to trigger
  // a download.
  filename: string;

  // The body as raw binary
  data: string;  // Base64

  // Any other metadata (used in multipart/form)
  metadata: {[key: string]: string};