/  Python Yamcs Client  /  General Client  /  YamcsClient


class yamcs.client.YamcsClient(address: str, *, tls: bool = False, tls_verify: Union[bool, str] = True, credentials: Optional[Credentials] = None, user_agent: Optional[str] = None, on_token_update: Optional[Callable[[Credentials], None]] = None)

Bases: object

Client for accessing core Yamcs resources.

  • address – The address of Yamcs in the format ‘hostname:port’

  • tls – Whether TLS encryption is expected

  • tls_verify – Whether server certificate verification is enabled (only applicable if tls=True). As an alternative to a boolean value, this option may be set to a path containing the appropriate TLS CA certificate bundle.

  • credentials – Credentials for when the server is secured

  • user_agent – Optionally override the default user agent

create_event_subscription(instance: str, on_data: Callable[[Event], None], timeout: float = 60) WebSocketSubscriptionFuture

Create a new subscription for receiving events of an instance.

This method returns a future, then returns immediately. Stop the subscription by canceling the future.

  • instance – A Yamcs instance name

  • on_data – Function that gets called on each Event.

  • timeout – The amount of seconds to wait for the request to complete.


Future that can be used to manage the background websocket subscription.

create_instance(name: str, template: str, args: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, labels: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None)

Create a new instance based on an existing template. This method blocks until the instance is fully started.

  • instance – A Yamcs instance name.

  • template – The name of an existing template.

Create a new subscription for receiving data link updates of an instance.

This method returns a future, then returns immediately. Stop the subscription by canceling the future.

  • instance – A Yamcs instance name.

  • on_data – Function that gets called with LinkEvent updates.

  • timeout – The amount of seconds to wait for the request to complete.


Future that can be used to manage the background websocket subscription.

create_time_subscription(instance: str, on_data: Optional[Callable[[datetime], None]] = None, timeout: float = 60) TimeSubscription

Create a new subscription for receiving time updates of an instance. Time updates are emitted at 1Hz.

This method returns a future, then returns immediately. Stop the subscription by canceling the future.

  • instance – A Yamcs instance name

  • on_data – Function that gets called with datetime updates.

  • timeout – The amount of seconds to wait for the request to complete.


Future that can be used to manage the background websocket subscription.

delete_processor(instance: str, processor: str)

Delete a processor.

  • instance – A Yamcs instance name.

  • processor – A processor name within that instance.

static from_environment()

Create a YamcsClient, initialized from environment variables.

This recognizes the following environment variables:


Yamcs server URL


Yamcs API key (currently only assigned to script activities)

get_archive(instance: str) ArchiveClient

Return an object for working with the Archive of the specified instance.


instance – A Yamcs instance name.

get_auth_info() AuthInfo

Returns general authentication information. This operation does not require authenticating and is useful to test if a server requires authentication or not.

get_file_transfer_client(instance: str) FileTransferClient

Return an object for working with file transfers on a specified instance.


instance – A Yamcs instance name.

Return an object for working with a specific Yamcs link.

  • instance – A Yamcs instance name.

  • link – A link name within that instance.

get_mdb(instance: str) MDBClient

Return an object for working with the MDB of the specified instance.


instance – A Yamcs instance name.

get_processor(instance: str, processor: str) ProcessorClient

Return an object for working with a specific Yamcs processor.

  • instance – A Yamcs instance name.

  • processor – A processor name within that instance.

get_server_info() ServerInfo

Return general server info.

get_storage_client() StorageClient

Return an object for working with object storage

get_tco_client(instance: str, service: str) TCOClient

Return an object for Time Correlation API calls on a specified service.

  • instance – A Yamcs instance name.

  • service – Target service name.

get_time(instance) Optional[datetime]

Return the current mission time for the specified instance.

get_timeline_client(instance: str) TimelineClient

Return an object for working with Yamcs timeline items


instance – A Yamcs instance name.

get_user_info() UserInfo

Get information on the authenticated user.

list_instance_templates() Iterable[InstanceTemplate]

List the available instance templates.

list_instances() Iterable[Instance]

Lists the instances.

Instances are returned in lexicographical order.

Lists the data links visible to this client.

Data links are returned in random order.


instance – A Yamcs instance name.

list_processors(instance: Optional[str] = None) Iterable[Processor]

Lists the processors.

Processors are returned in lexicographical order.


instance – A Yamcs instance name.

list_services(instance: str) Iterable[Service]

List the services for an instance.


instance – A Yamcs instance name.

load_parameter_values(instance: str, data: Iterator[Mapping[str, ValueUpdate]], stream: str = 'pp_dump', chunk_size: int = 32768) LoadParameterValuesResult

Load an indefinite amount of parameter values into Yamcs.

New in version 1.9.1: Compatible with Yamcs 5.8.8 onwards

  • instance – Yamcs instance name

  • data – Generator that yields batches of parameter values, keyed by parameter name.

  • stream – Stream where to send the parameters to.

  • chunk_size – HTTP chunk size. Multiple updates are grouped in chunks of about this size.

restart_instance(instance: str)

Restarts a single instance.


instance – A Yamcs instance name.

send_event(instance: str, message: str, event_type: Optional[str] = None, time: Optional[datetime] = None, severity: Optional[str] = 'info', source: Optional[str] = None, sequence_number: Optional[int] = None, extra: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None)

Post a new event.

  • instance – A Yamcs instance name.

  • message – Event message.

  • event_type – Type of event.

  • severity – The severity level of the event. One of info, watch, warning, distress, critical or severe. Defaults to info.

  • time – Time of the event. If unspecified, defaults to mission time.

  • source – Source of the event. Useful for grouping events in the archive. When unset this defaults to User.

  • event_type – Event type.

  • sequence_number – Sequence number of this event. This is used to determine unicity of events at the same time and coming from the same source. If not set Yamcs will automatically assign a sequential number as if every submitted event is unique.

  • extra

    Extra event properties.

    New in version 1.8.4: Compatible with Yamcs 5.7.3 onwards

start_instance(instance: str)

Starts a single instance.


instance – A Yamcs instance name.

start_service(instance: str, service: str)

Starts a single service.

  • instance – A Yamcs instance name.

  • service – The name of the service.

stop_instance(instance: str)

Stops a single instance.


instance – A Yamcs instance name.

stop_service(instance: str, service: str)

Stops a single service.

  • instance – A Yamcs instance name.

  • service – The name of the service.

class yamcs.client.TimeSubscription(manager)

Bases: WebSocketSubscriptionFuture

Local object providing access to time updates.

A subscription object stores the last time info.

Initializes the future. Should not be called by clients.

time: Optional[datetime]

The last time info.

class yamcs.client.LinkSubscription(manager)

Bases: WebSocketSubscriptionFuture

Local object providing access to data link updates.

A subscription object stores the last link info for each link.

Initializes the future. Should not be called by clients.

Returns the latest link state.


name – Identifying name of the data link

Returns a snapshot of all instance links.