/  Python Yamcs Client  /  Archive  /  Model


class yamcs.archive.model.ColumnData(proto)
property name: str

Column name.

property value: Any

Value for this column.

class yamcs.archive.model.IndexGroup(proto)

Group of index records that represent the same type of underlying objects.

property name: str

Name associated with this group. The meaning is defined by the objects represented by this index. For example:

  • In an index of events, index records are grouped by source.

  • In an index of packets, index records are grouped by packet name.

property records: List[IndexRecord]

Index records within this group

class yamcs.archive.model.IndexRecord(proto)

Represents a block of uninterrupted data (derived from the index definition for the type of underlying objects, in combination with the requested merge_time.

property count: int

Number of underlying objects this index record represents

property start: datetime

Start time of the record

property stop: datetime

Stop time of the record

class yamcs.archive.model.ParameterRange(proto)

Indicates an interval during which a parameter’s value was uninterrupted and unchanged.

property eng_value: Optional[Any]

The engineering (calibrated) value within this range.

If the request was made using min_range option, this will be the most-frequent value only. Retrieve the complete distribution using the entries attribute.

property entries: List[ParameterRangeEntry]

Value distribution within this range.

Unless the request was made using min_range option, there should be only one entry only.

property parameter_count: int

The total number of parameter values within this range.

property start: datetime

Start time of this range (inclusive).

property stop: datetime

Stop time of this range (exclusive).

class yamcs.archive.model.ParameterRangeEntry(proto)

Value holder for an engineering value and its number of appearances within a ParameterRange.

property eng_value: Any

The engineering (calibrated) value.

property parameter_count: int

The number of received parameter values during this range.

class yamcs.archive.model.ResultSet(response)

Provides capability to consume the rows returned by a SQL query, or access related information.

property column_types: Optional[List[str]]

Column types.

property columns: Optional[List[str]]

Column names. This returns None as long as no row has been consumed yet.

class yamcs.archive.model.Sample(proto)

Provides aggregation properties over a range of a parameter’s values.

property avg: Optional[float]

Average value.

property max: Optional[float]

Maximum value.

property min: Optional[float]

Minimum value.

property parameter_count: int

The number of parameter values this sample represents.

property time: datetime

Sample time.

class yamcs.archive.model.Stream(proto)
property name: str

Stream name.

class yamcs.archive.model.StreamData(proto)
property columns: List[ColumnData]

Tuple columns.

property stream: str

Stream name.

class yamcs.archive.model.Table(proto)
property name: str

Table name.